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Red, gold, silver, orange, pink or blue; Our confetti shooters are available in these and many other colors. Whether traditional confetti, in the shape of a heart or as streamers, with us you will find the right thing for your event.

Our handheld shooters are best suited for simple yet effective use at carnival or birthday events. Available in sizes 28cm, 50cm and 80cm and equipped with a nitrogen cartridge, located at the bottom of the shooter, they can be ignited with a simple turn to the left. As soon as it is fired, the air is filled with thousands of colorful confetti snippets.

However, if you want to save yourself the trouble of operating the shooters by hand, we recommend our electric shooters. They are placed in a launch pad and can be detonated remotely at the push of a button. They are also available in sizes 50cm and 80cm and have a range of up to 12m. Its use is particularly impressive from the stage, as the confetti shower envelops the crowd.

The confetti used meets the latest safety standards and is made from flame-retardant material.