We accept the following payment methods:

Shop securely with SSL

All payment transactions are processed via an "Https" connection or SSL encryption. The certificate for this is provided by Thawte.

Buy on installment with PayPal financing! This payment method offers our customers a high degree of payment flexibility as the cost of the purchase can be spread over several months (6 - 24 months).

After entering name, address, date of birth, and bank details, the credit check is carried out in seconds. This allows the desired product to be purchased in no time. Bypassing the bank and time-consuming formalities saves you time. The installment payment itself is free of charge, but interest may be incurred according to the payment plan.

All installment examples can be found in the respective article. Installment payment is possible for orders worth €99.0 or more.

Pay quickly and securely in seconds.

If you are a PayPal customer, you can purchase our products without providing us with your bank details. After completing your order, you will be automatically redirected to an SSL-encrypted PayPal page where you can confirm your purchase by entering your email address and password. A few days later, the amount will be debited from your account via a direct debit process by PayPal. So, you can make a purchase without much effort and receive optimal buyer protection and data security.

This service can also be used on mobile devices.

However, if you want to speed up the process, pay via PayPal Express. If you have your shipping details stored on your PayPal account, you can bypass entering this data on our website and jump directly to payment confirmation. The required information will then be transmitted to us by PayPal.

Pay easily with PayPal Plus via PayPal, credit card, direct debit, or purchase on account. PayPal Plus provides an all-in-one solution for easy and fast shopping in online shops. Pay with your preferred payment system even if you don't have a PayPal account. The advantage of this complete solution is that all your transactions are still covered by PayPal Buyer Protection.

Of course, this can also be used on smartphones and tablets.

Sofortüberweisung is maximally secure as no long card numbers need to be entered and no account needs to be opened. Additionally, no customer data is stored.

During the payment process, which is secured by SSL encryption, you simply select your bank and enter your online banking details and a TAN. Your bank then receives the order for transfer, and we receive real-time transaction confirmation. This enables immediate shipment of your goods.

Payment via Sofortüberweisung is only possible in Germany and Switzerland.

Prepayment / Bank transfer

After placing your order, you will receive our bank details by email.
Your order will be processed and shipped after receipt of payment.
Please note that two to three working days are required for bank transfers.

Cash payment upon self-collection

Your ordered goods can be collected at our main warehouse at Seehäuser Str. 78, 06567 Bad Frankenhausen. We kindly ask for prior appointment arrangement for self-collection. Only cash payment is possible upon self-collection.

We are open from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.