Since 2005, INVOLIGHT® has been the brand for high-quality and affordable spotlights, effects and control devices. From the "small" LED spot to the LED moving head for the professional sector, we offer the entire spectrum of lighting effects. INVOLIGHT® also offers control panels for a wide variety of requirements! The INVOLIGHT® range is rounded off by fog, snow and hazer machines for every need! This range has secured INVOLIGHT® a large market presence. For the hobby DJ to the professional organizer and rental company, there is a suitable product for everyone in the INVOLIGHT® range. Make your ideas come true with INVOLIGHT®! Because we always have an open ear for our customers, their suggestions for improvement are incorporated into the further development and new development of our products. This, as well as good and fast service, is a matter of course for us. Let us take you into the world of INVOLIGHT!
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- Art. 6 Abs. 1 s. 1 lit. f DS-GVO
Ort der Verarbeitung: Europäische Union
This script helps us, to offer you relevant services and products on other digital platforms.
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Place of processing: European Union
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Expires: 2 years
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Expires: 2 years
Legal basis:
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- Art. 6 Abs. 1 s. 1 lit. f DS-GVO
Place of processing: European Union
This script helps us, to offer you relevant services and products on other digital platforms.
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Place of processing: European Union
dyn.: No
Expires: 2 years
Storage type: Cookie
dyn.: Yes
Expires: 2 years
Legal basis:
The legal basis for the processing of personal data required by Art. 6 I 1 GDPR is specified below.
- Art. 6 Abs. 1 s. 1 lit. f DS-GVO
Place of processing: European Union
Ihnen wird relevante Werbung angezeigt und Ihr Surfverhalten dient der themenbasierten, nicht personenbezogenen Analyse.
Auf dieser Website werden Werbemittel interessensbasiert mit Hilfe von Cookies ausgegeben bzw. Daten zur Steuerung von Werbeeinblendungen gemessen. ADCELL bietet hierzu die Technologie, welche Informationen auf der Basis von Webseitenbesuchern auswertet und danach anwendet. Im Erfolgsfall wird Ihnen dann anstelle von rein zufälligen Werbeanzeigen eher Werbung angezeigt, welche Sie anspricht.
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Erhobene Daten: Aggregierte Daten zum Auslösen von Tags
Processing company:
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,IE
Mit dem Google Ads Conversion Tracking können wir unseren Werbeerfolg im Google Werbenetzwerk messen. Wir schalten Werbung im Google Werbenetzwerk, damit unsere Angebote besser gefunden werden. Wir versuchen dabei Werbung so optimal wie möglich zu gestalten. Auch um Werbekosten so gering wie möglich zu halten. Dies spiegelt sich in unseren Preisen wieder ;)
Erhobene Daten: zufallsgenerierte USER-ID
Processing company:
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,IE
In order to unlock offers for extended payment options, in particular express checkout and payment in instalments, we require your consent to the data transfer and storage of third-party cookies of the payment provider PayPal. This allows us to also offer you express checkout and payment by instalments. Without your consent, only the technically necessary data transfer to PayPal will take place, but you will then not be able to use the express checkout or extended offers for payment by instalments on this site.
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